A picnic of plums and hot chocolate

Plums hot choc quote

The Enchanted Wood, Enid Blyton

After we recently explored one end of our newly renovated local lane, Ari had the idea to bring Ben down it and surprise him with a picnic at the end, as there was a lovely big tree and grassy patch there.

We’ve been reading Enid Blyton’s The Enchanted Wood, and just happened to read a chapter involving a feast of plums and hot chocolate following a particularly exciting adventure up The Magic Faraway Tree so of course we had to give it a shot.

Ari made the hot choc himself and we packed it in a thermos, filling another with ice and blackcurrant cordial (and marvelling at how cool thermoses are).

We also packed sambos and very tasty flapjacks. Such a fun and lovely way to brighten up a mid-week lunch.

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